Site Navigation
Welcome to GameTextures, this document is designed to give a brief overview of basic site and library navigation.
Tag and Search Functionality:
The Tagging system for uses the top level tags on the rleft side in an additive sense and then allows you to type in possible descriptors to narrow that category down to a useful level.
Library Scrolling:
The library products can be navigated via the arrow keys on the keyboard. Right and Left Arrows moving the selected product to the right or left of the original selection while Up and Down will show the different screenshots assigned to each product.
Collections are easy to add to from the main library page and are seen clearly below the "My Library" tab. They function primarily as an organizational tool for users at this time.
Collections can be browsed at any time via the left hand panel.
Download Types:
Different download types can be selected when a material preview is highlighted.
More will be added to this document as the new site is expanded and improved.