How to Import Substances into Unreal Engine 4
If our substances are going to used inside of unreal engine the first step is to install the Substance Plugin for Unreal:
Ensure that it is installed to the correct engine version wish to use:
Once a project is started (or open an old one) go to the engine settings and make sure the plugin is enabled :
Select import while in the folder that the substance will go into:
At this point, select whether a material will be created on import. (if there are plans to put the substance maps into custom material/shader uncheck this box)
The substance should appear as such:
From here select the graph instance and manipulate the substance:
You can use the graph instance to manipulate your substance in real time via the built in parameter controls. It can take some time for the material changes to be apparent in engine.
This material imports at 256x256:
The same material at 4k: